Dr. Laux has been fighting for years to teach his happiness class at SRU. Already having taught at Hirum College, and inspired by Harvard University's class on the same topic called "Positive Psychology," I'd like to get Dr. Laux's perspective on how his first (and last) Happiness course at SRU went. I'll also be interviewing Dr. Flynn, who approved the course, a "non-traditional" student, and several other students who've taken the course.
"Positive Psychology" was taught by Tal Ben-Shahar, and became Harvard's most popular class, superseding even "Intro to Business." That inspired Dr. Laux to not only teach the course, but also to fill up the auditorium in Eisenberg.
This Meograph will be important to SRU students because people other than communication majors were interested in, and are enrolled in the course. Dr. Laux has also taught at the university for over 25 years, and recently the sorority AOII awarded him with the title of "Most Influential Faculty Member."
This story is relevant to timeliness in that the class is just about to end, and people will have concrete judgments about it by now. I think a lot of people will be interested in how the class went if they didn't take it, and if they did take it, how others' feelings compared.
In relation to significance, 95 people have enrolled in the course, and it's one of the bigger elective classes people have shown interest in taking. If people themselves aren't enrolled in the course, their friends have certainly talked about it and piqued their interest.
It's also a human interest story because a retiring professor stayed and extra year, and realized his goal course just as he was about to retire.
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